%0 Journal Article %T Modelo de benchmarking de la cadena de abastecimiento para Pymes manufactureras %J ESTUDIOS GERENCIALES, No. 84 %D 2002 %@ 0123-5923 %U http://www.icesi.edu.co/revistas/index.php/estudios_gerenciales/article/view/92 %X The benchmarking model for the supply chain of small and medium-sized manufacturers provides a handy guide for improving the logistics of their production processes. This article covers both the development of the model and the main results of its implementation in a sample of food processing companies in the City of Cali, surveyed by PRODES (a sector development program). The results of this study, obtained through trial applications of the model, provide guidelines both for ongoing research and for the future application of the model to other sectors. The model is based on the results of a study titled «Proposal for the Development of Integrated Logistical Systems for Small and Medium Enterprises», undertaken by the authors in furtherance of a Master’s Degree in Business Administration, in agreement with Tulane University %K Pymes %K Benchmarking %K Cadena de abastecimiento %K Logística %K Producción intelectual registrada - Universidad Icesi %K Ingeniería de producción %K Production engineering %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN