%0 Journal Article %T Propuesta de comunicación y posicionamiento Icesi Solidaria %D 2013 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10906/76585 %X The growth of groups supporting social causes has been having high growth in the community of Cali and in some universities in Cali, among which is La ICESI. In the latter there are several groups in order to help the community, including ICESI solidarity is a community of students, alumni, faculty and staff directly or indirectly linked Icesi University together to support social causes from marketing and advertising. And which has little recognition in the community and also presents problems ICESI effective communication. In this paper we study the group's brand positioning within the University ICESI. The study was done through a survey, which is designed to study the perceptions of students about the group and the activities it develops. Among the results is that the group has very little recognition within the university, as many students do not know about this. To a solution to this problem raised a number of proposed communication and brand positioning. %K Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Económicas %K Producción intelectual registrada - Universidad Icesi %K Mercadeo Internacional y Publicidad %K Administración %K Branding %K Community manager %K Communication plan. %K Posicionamiento de marca %K Responsabilidad social empresarial %K Universidad Icesi %K Análisis DOFA %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN