%0 Journal Article %T Proyección de demanda: ¡este problema no es normal! %J ESTUDIOS GERENCIALES;Vol. 31 No. 135 Abril/Junio 2015 %D 2015 %@ 01235923 %U http://www.icesi.edu.co/revistas/index.php/estudios_gerenciales/article/view/1994 %X This case discusses a problem that may arise when using a semi-logarithmic linear model to forecast the demand of a given product. This problem is presented using the discussion that emerges in a company that is looking for an approach to forecast the demand of its leading product. The reader faces the challenge of deciding which approach is adequate to the problem. %K Demanda %K Producción intelectual registrada - Universidad Icesi %K Modelos de regresión %K Predicción %K Linear regression model %K Forecast %K Semi-logarithmic model %K Normal error term %K Economía %K Econometría %K Economics %K Econometrics models %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN