%0 Journal Article %T Factores que el fabricante/distribuidor toma en consideración para la comercialización de alimentos especiales en mercados foráneos %D 2017 %@ 0123-5923 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10906/82278 %X This article aims at identifying the factors related to the characteristics of the product that manufacturers and distributors take into account for the commercialization of specialty food in international niches markets. The qualitative methodology of case studies based on in-depth interviews constitutes the research tool in this study. The results reflect that quality remains as the essential factor in the negotiation between the distributor/importer and the manufacturer to market their products in the niche market of specialty food. The relationship between the manufacturer and the distributors should be close and fluid in a way that strengthens trust and encourages the development of a mutually beneficial long-term relationship. %K Comercialización de alimentos %K Mercados %K Fabricante %K Empresas %K Distribuidor %K Nicho (Mercado) %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN