%0 Journal Article %T La posibilidad conceptual y el argumento histórico en torno al estudio del precedente %D 2017 %@ 1657-6535 %U https://www.icesi.edu.co/revistas/index.php/precedente/article/view/2448 %X This article raises the possibility of studying the concept of precedent from a general perspective, which is viable from the analytical philosophy of law, but focuses on how this company also supports historical arguments. The thesis maintains that – regardless of the particular characteristics that any particular legal system possesses or of the cultural family to which it belongs– it is possible to identify certain necessary properties that are constant in the concept of precedent where it is presented, trying to make evident such properties. %K Precedentes judiciales %K Sistemas jurídicos %K Tradición jurídica %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN