%0 Journal Article %T Valuación de empresas: enfoque integral para mercados emergentes e inflacionarios %D 2017 %@ 0123-5923 %U https://www.icesi.edu.co/revistas/index.php/estudios_gerenciales/article/view/2719/3332 %X tIn order to guarantee the strength of its results at inflationary contexts, the foundations of the paritytheories are required by the discount cash flow model, an aspect that is not frequently taken into consi-deration by the practitioners. In that sense, we propose an integral method based in the parity theories,with the aim of bringing technical solutions over the model variables and estimating consistent intrinsicvalues expressed in two currencies. First, the conjunct of theories, the tools and the sequential steps of themodel are stated. Next, with an application case and scenarios techniques, its functioning is examined.The results secure the relationship between intrinsic values in two currencies, starting with nominal andreal magnitudes, and supported by the parity theories. %K Inflación %K Flujo de fondos %K Descuentos %K Valuación %K Empresas %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN