%0 Journal Article %T Las Facultades de Ingeniería y Su Papel en la Definición de Políticas Públicas: Participación de la Universidad Icesi en la Definición del Estándar Colombiano de Interoperabilidad GEL-XML %D 2008 %U http://repository.icesi.edu.co/biblioteca_digital/handle/10906/83085 %X This paper presents the results of the Colombian HL7 foundation and the Icesi University joint efforts, in terms of the contribution of their work in the checking of interoperability properties the GEL-XML standards definition, which is being developed by the “Agenda de conectividad”, a program of the Colombian Communications Ministry. The GEL-XML standards collection is fundamental for the country because of its scope and impact in the electronic data exchange among its public and private entities. It is considered by the national government as one of the foundations for the e-government strategy, which in turn is one of the basements to achieve the so called “digital leap” %K Ingeniería de sistemas y comunicaciones %K Systems engineering %K Interoperabilidad con HL7 %K Arquitectura - Procesamiento de datos %K HL7 (Lenguaje de programación) %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN