%0 Journal Article %T En medio de la violencia: recursos, tácticas y violencia contra el sector ganadero %D 2019 %@ 2011-0324 %U http://repository.icesi.edu.co/biblioteca_digital/handle/10906/84662 %X This article discusses the main results of a research study on the interactions between stockbreeders and armed groups in relation to the illegal collection of funds, as narrated in the stockbreeders’ testimonies and memories. The paper relies on both statistical and narrative analysis methodologies in order to explore the patterns and configurations in interactions with armed groups. It is argued here that the stockbreeders were not supporters or passive victims, rather they acted strategically when making decisions and relying on social and financial capitals actors to negotiate the terms of their own subjugation. Drawing upon studies on remembrance and historicization of the Colombian armed conflict, the paper stresses the need to understand local contexts, taken as spaces of uncertainty, agitation, and ongoing readjustment. The paper also cautions scholars against the tendency to reduce the interactions between civilians and armed groups to mere economic or political motivations. Rather, these interactions are considered to emerge mainly from individuals’ everyday concerns and the desire to protect their lives. %K Conflicto armado %K Recursos económicos %K Grupos armados %K Población civil %K Ganaderos %K Ganadería - Aspectos socioeconómicos %K Violencia - Aspectos económicos %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN