%0 Journal Article %T Reducción de tiempos muertos y gastos exógenos relacionados con el proceso terapéutico de esguince de tobillo, para disminuir la reincidencia en la lesión en deportistas de la ciudad de Cali. %D 2019 %U http://repository.icesi.edu.co/biblioteca_digital/handle/10906/87347 %X Purpose - It has been detected that a large percentage of athletes with a sprained ankle injury treated therapeutically abandon treatment for various reasons, mainly the investment of time and money perceived as exogenous by patients, which causes inadequate recovery and in the In most cases of relapse, this project seeks to integrate and improve physiological rehabilitation to reduce the recurrence of the injury in the city of Cali. Design/methodology/approach - Surveys for athletes, interviews with physiotherapists and physiatrists of the HUV (University Hospital del Valle) were designed and applied. Collection of qualitative and quantitative data to validate the problem and collection of information through other tools such as "fly on the wall", "cognitive analysis of tasks" "analysis of activities" and "scenario testing". Visit to rehabilitation center feedback directly with specialists. Definitive design of the different components of the system, choice of materials and processes, implementation. Findings - The various therapeutic rehabilitation processes for sprain injuries grade I and II in the tibioperoneo-astragaline joint offered do not stimulate or guarantee treatment adherence, of the 18 respondents, it was obtained that the total sprain injuries were associated with a sports practice, and that 17 of them had suffered an ankle sprain and had recurrence. %K Articulaciones %K Anatomía %K Deportistas %K Lesiones deportivas %K Adhesion %K Rehabilitación %K Cali (Valle del Cauca, Colombia) %K Terapéuta y paciente %K Trabajos de grado %K Diseño Industrial %K Departamento de Diseño %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN